Wednesday, July 1, 2009

More Movie News

As many of you know, last summer I began an epic quest to view every movie that has been nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards (The Oscars) in my lifetime. I literally turned into a movie fiend. I'd go to Blockbuster almost everyday and rent 2 movies at a time. If Blockbuster didn't have a movie on my list (Yes, I literally wrote them all down and checked each movie off after I watched it), I'd try to find it somewhere online. This forced me to watch plenty of movies with Japanese subtitles, but I didn't care because I was on a mission. To date, I've seen roughly 100 of the 120 films that have received Best Picture nominations in my lifetime.

Overall it's been a very rewarding experience, but my affection for films is truly going to be tested in the years to come. In case you haven't heard, the Academy recently came out and declared that they will now nominate 10 films each year for Best Picture, as opposed to the usual 5. Personally, I think this is a terrible idea. Now, like in everything else, the records will become tainted. Now more directors will be able to say that they've directed an Oscar nominated film and less talented actors and actresses will be able to say that they've starred in Oscar nominated films. I guess I just don't see the reason for it. Did The Dark Knight or Wall-E deserve to be nominated last year? Maybe, but they wouldn't have won either way. What good can come out of this decision? More foreign films get recognized? Who cares. More summer blockbusters get a shot at the big prize? Well, not really, because they still won't win. For example, say Tranformers: Revenge of the Fallen gets nominated for 2010. Does it sound right to say that Shia LaBeouf starred in an Oscar nominated film? I know he won't get nominated for Best Actor, but still.

In some positive movie related news, a young smokeshow will drop her towel in a locker room scene in an upcoming movie.

Also, here is the trailer for a Fall comedy starring Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Jason Bateman, Kristin Davis, and Kristen Bell.

I think I'm most excited about the return of one of the most underrated comedy duos of our generation: Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau. They were great together in the cult hit Swingers (1996) and also very good in The Break Up (2006), even though they weren't on screen together all that much. The outtakes from that movie are hysterical. There is one scene that they ad lib together that is just priceless. It takes them about 15 takes to get it right, but the ideas that they springboard off each other on the fly are something to see.

It should also be noted that Jason Bateman teamed with Vaughn and Favreau in The Break Up and that he played the comic relief role better than anyone I've ever seen in The Kingdom

Also, not for nothing, Kristin Davis (Sex in the City) and Kristen Bell (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) will provide some nice eye candy.

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